The Geographers

Blog Review in DCCA website

Community Arts residency at the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts collaborating with students at the Latin American Community Center on a group project focusing on personal geography that concluded with an exhibition and pinata performance in the Museum. Funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. Summer 2010.

Beginning with investigating personal space and mapmaking, after looking at the local surroundings and examining Wilmington, the students collaboratively created a new town, naming it Mesatly Town. Stories were told, recorded and useful maps through out the town were drawn up. Each participant then built large scale cardboard structures representing places they wanted or did not want to inhabit in Mesatly Town. The context of the dualism was based of conversations regarding art pieces that affected them in the museum, pieces that contained both sides of a story. To finalize the project together we  created a Piñata Portal meant to travel between Wilmington and Mesatly Town. The large orb was covered with maps from where the students originated from (Mexico, Puerto Rico, New York and Delaware) and covered with small houses. Inside contained wishes to the future in the form of soft objects representing things they desired in this town, a combination of hope, reality and dreams. At the opening there was a map of how to read the collection of maps, stories and detritus and finally a Piñata smashing event to transport us to where-ever we want to go.

Special Thanks to;

The DCCA, LACC, Mr. Aracelio Caraballo, Andrea Gathers, Jane Chesson.

Funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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